My books · Writing stuff

See Me

I have no good excuse. It's been way over a year since I posted on here. A lot has happened with my writing, but I didn't tell you about it. I'm sorry. Let me give you the main highlights of my absence. My novel, Bring Me to Life, is still on Amazon and I've been… Continue reading See Me

My books

Bring Me to Life

So here it is--I finally released my first novel on Amazon. It's been a long, scary journey and scarier now that it's real. I'm happy, relieved and proud that I finally found the courage to do it. I've always found joy in writing. I've written six novels in the last six years. I've written poetry… Continue reading Bring Me to Life

Writing stuff

Cry-Baby Bridge

  OK, I've been working on editing, proofreading, organizing--everything but actual writing. I have two stories in a series and it's time to begin a third one. The first two need the editing etc., but I can't stop there. I still need to write. The third one has been waiting in my mind for a… Continue reading Cry-Baby Bridge

Writing stuff

Story Songs

I've participated and won three NaNoWriMo competitions. National November Writing Month challenges you to write at least 50,000 words during the month of November. It's challenging and takes discipline and focus. Each of my stories had its own set of challenges. The first one is about 51,000 words but remains unfinished. For some reason, I… Continue reading Story Songs

love · Passion

Spirit Path

I love poetry in all its forms but I usually write free verse. However, back in college, I took a poetry class and learned many different forms, many of which were fun but challenging. The one I had the most fun with is called a sestina. This form follows a set pattern using the same… Continue reading Spirit Path

love · Reality

We tried

I'm not for you. All we have is the desire to fight, to prove that our stubborn love is real. But we can't Ā take this thing and keep going. We can't pretend, we can't hide and we can't go back. Let's be honest, we'll laugh, we'll cry we'll know that we can't survive but we'll… Continue reading We tried

Reality · Scars and Pain


Lying in the makeshift bed in the little flowered room, I smell the aroma of her morning bread. I'm not alone but I feel alone with my angry older brother on the opposite wall. I want to butter a warm slice, I want to see her smile, feel love, taste her bread. But I look… Continue reading Stale


It’s so hard

It's so hard to let go and even harderĀ  not to let go. Holding on seems right in some ways but you need strength courage and faith. You're supposed to let go of all the bad stuff--the pain the stress, the worries and hold onto the good. It's so hard to do either and even… Continue reading It’s so hard